Monday 25 July 2011


Its routine that Mother-in-law phones from a far away land, every Sunday morning to have a weekly catch up with hubby and me.

Now, i adore her, i do feel lucky to have landed an affectionate Mother in law, and in the 3.5 yrs of marriage with hubby, me and her have got along like a house on fire.
We chat about anything and everything. well...ahem, not everything but you get the gist.

Except as the months roll by, her calls from a far away place are gettng a bit close and suffocating me for me now.
Lovely as she is, all she asks does is fire questions about whether i'm pregnant yet and why the hell not.
Like im doing it ON PURPOSE.

I get she's desperate for grandchildren. My parents are too. but doesnt she think for one minute how i feel? i should get an award for smiling and laughingly chatting away back to her in a lighthearted manner, when its all i can do to physically forcing myself not to launch a defensive full throttle attack onto my poor MIL when she's 'condescendingly' querying if my periods are on time now, or if im taking my medication on time and if i lean my legs against the wall for 20 mins after sex.....(yes, really she says that to me)

i know im a paranoid lunatic but i cannot STAND being interviewed on a regular basis by MIL. I guess i should be relieved that shes in a far away land and can only interview me over the phone....

I blame hubby, he was the one who told her, without my permission that i have PCO and am on treatment etc, if it were up to me i would have never told her.

I mean, does he not know me by now?!
why oh why did he have to tell my IN LAWS that im the one with the so called 'problem'.

I may be stereotyping but this applies to my in laws, asian in-laws believe that as soon as you marry you should be popping out babies.
The fact that i have not produced them grandchildren 3.5 yrs on makes them believe i am putting my career first and children on a back burner.

Hmph, little do they know.

Since then she has not let up on me and no, its not my paranoia, but i can tell she blames me through the way she talks.

''She doesnt blame you honey come on, don't be ridiculous'' Hubby tried to talk me round.

''Oh no? how would you like it if it was the other way around?? go on, tell them you have something wrong with you and im in the clear, go on'' I retort back turning my back to Hubby.
He grins sheepishly at me and i allow myself to be cuddled, as usual, a sucker for his touch.

I did refuse hubby sex for a week after this.

Needless to say i have booked him in to have a semen sample anaylsis next week. 
Serves him right.

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